Sunday, August 31, 2008

Real Politics Training School

After a grueling 36 hours on the road, traveling through Oregon, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, and Minnesota, in a van packed to the hilt, we FINALLY made it to Minneapolis at around 3:30 this morning! Here's a photo of the 8 of us that traveled together: (from left to right) Jamie, Ciatanya, Jen, Helen, Christi, Clint, me, and Terry.

A quick nap and then we were off to our first day of Campaign For Liberty events. And what a great first day it's been. We had a 10-hour training session on political activism, which may not sound very exciting to some, but the 600 attendees were totally pumped!

For me, the best part of the day came when Ron Paul surprised us with a visit and short speech. I'd never seen him in person before so it was a great thrill for me.

Lots of interesting news from the Ron Paul delegates to the RNC--seems Bush and Cheney won't be attending because of hurricane Gustav (I guess they want to be sure to not screw it up like they did with Katrina.) Also, all the RNC speeches have been canceled for tomorrow--only official convention business.

Here's a few more pics of our day: (1) Jen and me; (2) Clint and Christy with Barry Goldwater Jr.; and (3) the gals, Christy, Helen and Jen.

1 comment:

LaLa said...

Congrats on your GT article!